Published in Designing Ways
Issue 245

Getting involved with the IID is probably the most significant contribution you can make to your own career.
Why? It tells people that you’re serious about interior design, interior decorating or interior architecture. It indicates your status as a business professional with valuable industry skills.
- The IID is the only registered professional body representing the interior design industry in South Africa.
- Professional Recognition and Status. Membership gives you credibility by belonging to the Interior Design professional body, identifying that you are serious about what you do.
- Professional Contracts and Fees.
- The IID and SACAP Partnership that is continuously growing.
- Free Marketing. Share content in our newsletter: Fridays for the following week’s Social Media platforms, 15th of the month for the following month’s content. Contact for more information.
- IID Events and Networking. Great opportunity for you to stay visible, exchange ideas and rub shoulders with some of the leaders in the profession.
- Discounted Rates for Design Shows and Workshops & Relationships with media partners International presence. The IID is a member of Ico-D (The International Council of Design) which enables the IID to act as a formal contact point between the South African Interior Design Professions and the international design community.
- SAQA & CPD Points. All IID professional members must also engage in continuing professional development (CPD). The purpose of CPD is to ensure professional members maintain the highest possible standards of practice through their commitment to continued learning.
- Being recognised by SAQA means the IID has recognition as a trusted professional body through an Act of Parliament, part of a National database of professional bodies that uphold high standards of competence and ethics, registration of professional designations on the most comprehensive National database of learner achievements and exposure to best practice through access to fora that improve the functions of professional bodies
The IID is the only registered professional body representing the South African interior design industry.
Membership of the IID indicates your status as a qualified, experienced & ethical practicing professional. There are many benefits to being a member including:
- Belonging to a professional body gives you credibility in the marketplace
- Personal webpage on the IID website. We encourage you to
use this facility to promote your business - Skills development and business training workshops, both in-person and online
- Professional signature to use on your emails and correspondence
- The opportunity to be featured and/ or to write for an upcoming issue of
Designing Ways magazine - The ability to tender for certain large, public projects
- Cutting edge design research via partnerships with international research firms
- Networking platforms and speaking opportunities, both local and international, such as Design Joburg and Art Meets Design Dialogue
- Knowledge sharing with likeminded designers, at all stages of their career
- VIP invitations to showroom events A forum for posing business related questions as well as offering sound business practice.
- Legal guidance at a reduced rate
If you are seeking specific resources or services, or would like to find out more about becoming a member please don’t hesitate to let us know by emailing Maria Day at: